Support LGBTQ+ Businesses in Hampton Roads

Your donation helps us maintain this FREE, searchable database

One of the number one inquiries we get at LGBT Life Center is for affirming businesses, vendors, and resources. Until now, directories in Hampton Roads have been static, physical documents. But with the help of donors and our community, we’ve built the area's first online, searchable directory. We’re thrilled to bring LGBTQ+ customers to LGBTQ+-owned and allied businesses.

Why Your Donation Matters

Your generous donation enables us to maintain and expand this essential resource. With your support, we can:

Update and Enhance Listings

Keep our directory comprehensive and current, ensuring that community members can always find the support they need.

Foster Community Growth

Support the growth of a strong, interconnected community that uplifts and sustains its members.

Increase Visibility

Help more LGBTQ+ affirming businesses reach those who need them most, from local services to nationwide offerings.

Champion Inclusivity

Advocate for a more inclusive world where businesses that support LGBTQ+ rights and values are recognized and patronized.