
Frequently Asked Questions

Can businesses outside of Hampton Roads submit a listing?

Yes, any business in the Commonwealth of Virginia may submit a listing

Can businesses outside the state of Virginia submit a listing?

No. This directory is for businesses in the Commonwealth of Virginia

I am an LGBTQ+ friendly business but not LGBTQ+ owned, can I submit my listing?

Yes! This directory is about inclusivity. We want to connect LGBTQ+ consumers and allies to business that will affirm and support who they are. Businesses owned by LGBTQ+ friends/allies are encouraged to submit their listing.

I submitted a listing, but I am not yet on the website.

We have dedicated, but small, team. If you’ve submitted a listing and do not see you listing after 7 business days, please email info@lgbtlifecenter.org.

The information in my listing is incorrect.

Please contact info@lgbtlifecenter.org, and we’ll be happy to correct that.

I visited a business listed, but they were not LGBTQ+ friendly.

We are so sorry to hear that. We do our best to make sure businesses listed are LGBTQ+ affirming (generally by word of mouth or because that business owner submitted their business).

Please DO notify us of your experience. Depending on what happened, the listing may be removed immediately. In general, businesses that show a pattern (more than 1 occurrence) of anti-lgbtq+ behavior will be removed and banned from the directory. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

I am a business owner in need of cultural competency training (aka LGBTQ+ awareness / inclusivity / sensitivity).

We’re here to help. Jump over to our trainings page and get in touch.

I am not an official “business,” but I do freelance work within the LGBTQ+ space, can I be listed?

Yes, most likely. While most businesses that submit must be incorporated, we welcome nontraditional, gig, and freelance workers who cater to the LGBTQ+ community. Examples include but are not limited to, drag, DJs, construction/handy-person, cleaning services, etc.

Please be aware that while our primary focus isn't serving as a job directory, we recognize that LGBTQ+ communities often face challenges in traditional business environments. In light of this, we are dedicated to accommodating gig employment opportunities to support inclusivity and access for all.

What does it cost to be listed?

Nothing. We see connecting LGBTQ+ folx and LGBTQ+ friendly businesses as an essential service that strengthens our community. Charging for this would limit the opportunity to create a safer, stronger, and more affirming community.